Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Ultrasounds for pregnancy #5

It's a.....
(click pictures to enlarge)


Oh, but you knew that. Okay, it's a


His name is Jasper Deacon, and we will call him Jack. :)

Can you tell? :) Let me help you with this one! LOL! It was actually pretty clear while we were seeing it in real time, maybe because he was moving, but these still shots are a little more difficult to decipher.

Okay, the big blob in the middle is the placenta. His head is laying in the middle at the bottom of the picture. You can actually see his eyelids, nose and mouth facing you! It is hard (for me) to make out the details of his lower body, so I'm not sure exactly how he is laying, but his boy parts are sort of triangular looking and kind of pointing toward the placenta! LOL!

I was actually surprised! This has been the sickest pregnancy I've ever had, so I just KNEW I was having a girl! I guess that blows my theory out of the water! LOL!

The picture at the top is pretty clear. It is a 4-D picture of the right side of his face. He has his right arm curled around his chin, and both hands are at his forehead.....and he is SMILING! We actually saw him smile. :) We also saw him PEE, and she said that was very rare, but unfortunately for us it was at the beginning before she was doing pictures and video. It was pretty funny though. :) She made a comment about that being "proof" that his bladder is working well. It was also proof that we were indeed looking at his boy parts, and he is indeed a boy!

He stretched his legs out a few times. His thighs are on the right and feet on the left.

Here are his feet. One is behind the other, so it looks like he has about 7 toes on one foot. LOL!

This 4-D picture is of his legs, crossed at the feet. His thighs are on the top left, knees are behind the placenta, and his right foot is crossed behind the left. Look at that long foot!

This one is a little blurry. He is looking down toward his right hand with the left fist in front of his face.

This one is a similar position, but he has his mouth open. :)

A clear picture of his spine. Near the lower right of the picture you can see where the spine connects to his tale bone. What a little bottom!

Here is another picture of his legs crossed at the ankles, but in this one his knee is in front of the placenta.

Those are the best of the pictures I have. For some reason the ones I got of Jacob (from the same lady) were blurry, so I wasn't able to do anything with any of them. :( I'm glad these turned out really well though. They all look exactly like they did on the monitor we were viewing. I wish my computer had a DVD drive so I could put a little video on here too!

So for the important stuff, basically everything looks perfect! She showed us how everything looks perfectly normal and is working correctly, and then he peed to prove it. LOL! He was a little wiggly, but not too much that he was giving us problems. :) The placenta was right over his face, so we almost didn't even do the 4-D, but she managed to get a few of him after all when he turned his head. He seemed content the whole time, holding his hands near his face and smiling. He's a sweet boy. :) He looks like he'll be a cuddly one just like his brothers. :)

Jayla and I were really hoping for a girl, but I have to tell you, it hasn't taken me long to accept that he's a boy. I'm getting more and more excited just thinking about holding him, and Jayla has already made a comment that she can't wait to help take care of him. :) I'm sure way before he is born (maybe by bedtime tonight!), we'll forget all about wanting a girl and be totally smitten with this little one.

My other boys measured 2-4 weeks ahead the entire pregnancy, and even the u/s showed close to two weeks ahead, but this little guy is lined up perfectly with his "due date". His weight is even right on target at 1 lb. 11 oz. She gave me the due date of August 9th and I've been saying August 10th, so I think I'll just leave it alone! I'm actually just starting to tell people "sometime in August" since you never know when a baby will come. Anyway, it looks like I might actually have an average size baby for a change! Jonathan was 9-2, Jayla was 6-3 and Jacob was 10-3! Oh, and he's already head-down too, the first one I've seen head-down during my u/s! I just pray he stays that way!